Why you want to become Band 5 Nurse with the NHS

In this post we will answer the commonly asked Band 5 NHS inetrview question. Here is an example answer that would score you points.

I am someone who takes great pride in my work as a nurse. Working for the NHS is a great privilege and an honor

There comes a huge amount of responsibility as a nurse within the NHS, and the qualities and skills needed to consistently perform to a high standard are once I feel I naturally possess. 

I am entirely dedicated to the profession and can be relied upon to make the right and the needed decision that is in the best interest of the patient. I will always take care of my own professional development so the treatment I provide is in line with the NHS values and code of conduct, and I can also be relied upon to maintain confidentiality at all times necessary

I am a great team worker. I will remain calm and composed under pressure and have a personal life that enables me to be flexible in my role as a nurse and work additional shifts as and when needed to help out the NHS team

The above answer demonstrates to the Interview panel that you fully understand the responsibilities that come with being a nurse within the NHS. The above answer also demonstrates the interview panel that you are able to work for additional shifts that are very important to the NHS. 

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